Indian Student Dental Association Celebrates Across Cultures

Students celebrate Holi

At RSDM, a diverse range of student groups bond over common traditions. But for many, another goal is sharing their culture with others.

The Indian Student Dental Association is proud of its reputation for hosting festivals and other events that welcome students of all nationalities. For three years, the association organizes a mini Holi festival, where students throw colored powder at each other to celebrate a Hindu rite of spring. This year, it was held on May 1.

Although elements of Holi have been adapted in America as “color runs,’’ ISDA members give a brief talk about its spiritual significance and symbolism before the school-wide color throwing begins. Founded by club advisor and RSDM professor Dr. Asha Samant, ISDA begin more than a decade ago as a way for Indian students to enjoy their heritage and support each other.

These day, it organizes fundraisers to help supply clean water to citizens of India, in addition to hosting a party for Diwali, the festival of lights. Each spring, it holds a popular “senior sendoff,’’ where Indian and non-Indian students alike wear traditional Indian garb and participate in elaborately choreographed Bollywood dance routines.

“People learn about the major religious holidays through the club, but it’s mostly about good food, dancing and music — things that anyone can be part of,’’ says 2017 ISDA president Varsha Agnihotri.